
L'occultisme ne s'épanouit vraiment que lorsqu'il est soumis au Divin. La Mère


Divination Chamanique Sioux

Le rite de la Loge de Transpiration (Initipi) est le fondement de tous les autres rites du peuple sioux Lakota.
Le chef Fire Lame Deer et Helen Sarkis, ont inventé un jeu de 50 magnifiques cartes divinatoires représentant toutes les divinités naturelles du panthéon sioux, qui sont invoquées lors du rite, et permettent non seulement de prévoir les événements importants de notre vie ou de la vie de ceux qui nous entourent, mais aussi de voir dans notre être, dans nos dispositions cachées, dans les énergies de la Nature. L'iconographie très belle et le texte très riche, nous permettent en outre de prendre connaissance de ce profond polythéisme, qui n a rien à envier à celui de la Grèce antique, ni à celui de I'Inde. Un glossaire de sioux lakota vient complèter utilement ce livre agréable, didactique et magique.

Vision Quest Tarot

Romanticised Native American theme decks are fairly common, but this one has particularly beautiful artwork that is deep, soft and gorgeously coloured. It is Thoth- based rather than being rather based on the Rider-Waite.
Read reviews of the Vision Quest Tarot
Created by Gayan Sylvie Winter, Jo Dose
Tarot Deck - 78 Cards - AGM Müller 1998

Australian Animal Tarot

A wholly Australian tarot deck, each of the 78 cards in the Australian Animal Tarot has a different animal, bird, reptile or insect illustrated in lifelike detail. A gemstone and four keywords are also associated with each card. Suit elements have also been changed - Wands are Earth, Swords are Fire and Pentacles are Air.

Created by Ann Williams-Fitzgerald
Tarot Deck - 78 Cards - AGM Müller 2000 

Wisdom of the Australian Animals Deck

From common animals such as the kangaroo and wombat, to the little-known potoroo and quoll, a wide range of birds, mammals and reptiles can be found in this unique oracle deck. Each card in the Wisdom of the Australian Animals Deck shows one animal, with keywords and rune, astrological, and crystal correspondances in the border. Now out of print, but re-created as the Australian Animals Tarot.
Created by Ann Williams-Fitzgerald, Karen Osborn
Oracle Deck - 48 Cards - Hihorse Publishers 

Animal Dreaming Oracle

The Animal Dreaming Oracle is a 45-card animal wisdom deck featuring illustrations of mostly indigenous Australian animals. The set includes a 132-page companion guidebook.
Created by Scott Alexander King
Oracle Deck - 45 Cards - Blue Angel Gallery 2007 

Aboriginal Spirit Oracle

The Aboriginal Spirit Oracle is a 40 card inspirational deck, illustrated and channeled by Mel Brown,
a Ngunnawal Aboriginal woman and clairvoyant. It combines aspects of feminine goddess energy with
Aboriginal spirituality.
Created by Melinda Brown
Oracle Deck - 40 Cards - Self Published 2012 

Oracle of the Dreamtime

The Oracle of the Dreamtime is not only an oracle but a collection of contemporary Australian Aboriginal art. 
It's a very well-researched deck and the artwork and symbology is based on authentic Aboriginal Dreamings.
Created by Donni Hakanson
Oracle Deck - 45 Cards - Body, Mind & Spirit